4 Great Ways To Learn To Play the Banjo

Feb 21, 2015

Learning to play the banjo these days is easier than ever.  With the popularity of the banjo and acoustic music growing at a record pace, there are more tools to learn with as well as other musicians to play with.

Here are some great ways to learn:

Find a Local Teacher

You can find a local banjo teacher in your area and doing a Google search for “banjo teacher your city/town” or “banjo lessons your city/town“.

You can also try looking on banjohangout.org or on yelp.com.

Buy a Banjo Book

There is a plethora of 5-string banjo books out there to help you learn.  There are less for 4-string and 6-string banjo, but there are some.

Check out our inventory of banjo books here >

Use an Online Teaching Resource

There are a number of good online teaching tools these days.  Two of these are ArtistWorksand Peghead Nation.  Both offer video lessons by accomplished banjo players such as Tony Trischka and Bill Evans.

There are also hundreds of banjo video lessons available on YouTube.

Find a Local Jam

There is usually a local bluegrass, folk, old time, or some other acoustic music jam in most cities.  Try searching one out in your area using a Google search, live music listings, etc.

Don’t be afraid to go and play with others no matter what skill level you are at.  These types of groups are almost always very welcoming for new faces.

The best way to learn is to play with others.


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